home remedies for after shave rashes?

After shave rashes or razor bumps are small bumps on the skin that develop after shaving. They don't only look like pimples which can completely spoil the attractive clean-shaven look, they can also be sore. Overtime, these minor shaving bumps can develop into permanent scar tissue. So u can use the following home remedies for your after shave rashes. Aloe vera: Aloe vera is a very effective natural remedy for after shave rashes. Its simple! Just apply fresh gel of aloe vera on the affected area for at least twice a day. Repeat this for 3days and more for best results. It effectively treats the itchiness and inflammation due to razor bumps. Honey: Honey contains antibacterial properties and therefore, is very effective for curing after Shave rashes. Simply apply a layer of honey on the irritated skin. Let it dry for 10- 20minutes. Rinse off with cold water. Repeat this process twice a day for a week and say goodbye to your razor bumps. Black tea bags: ...