How to remove Dark Spots on your face - with Lemon

Dark spot on the face are a night mare to many ladies. Not only are they adamant, they are also not easy to get rid of. They are typically caused by hyperpigmentation although other factors such as excessive exposure to UV rays, pimples, harsh chemicals and many others may also set in. The good news is, to remove these annoying marks, you do not need to subject your delicate skin to any harsh chemicals if you have been doing so. This is because we are blessed with a whole lot of natural remedies which are not only effective but cheap such as lemon, aloe vera, honey, olive oil and so many others. In this write up, I will be focusing on how you can clear your black spots with a fresh lemon fruit.


                  Immeasurable research done over many years has proved that the citric acid and vitamin C present in lemon makes it the perfect bleaching agent, exactly what you need to lighten your skin and clear those annoying marks.

Method 1: Lemon juice and water.

                  Lemon juice in its concentrated form is very harsh for your skin so diluting it with water is a good idea.

What you need 

·       1 lemon.
·       Filtered water.
·       Cotton balls.

How to use

Ø  Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a clean dish.
Ø  Add equal amount of water.
Ø  Use a cotton ball to apply the solution allover your face.
Ø  Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash off without soap.

How often?

                  2-3 times weekly.

Method 2: Lemon juice and sugar face scrub

                  The exfoliating benefits of sugar and the bleaching effect of lemon juice combined is just perfect to get rid of all dead skin on your body.

What you need

·       Half a lemon.
·       1 teaspoon of sugar.

How to use

Ø  Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a clean dish.
Ø  Add a teaspoon of sugar and mix well to have a paste.
Ø  Apply the mixture on your face using circular motions, paying special attention to affected aeas and scrub for like  3 minutes.
Ø  Wash off  with clean water and pat dry your face.

How often?

                  Once a  week.

Method 3: lemon juice and yogurt face mask

                  The bleaching effect of the lemon juice and cleansing property of yogurt gives the perfect combination for lighting your spots and brightening your skin.

What you need

·       1 lemon.
·       1 teaspoon of fresh yogurt.

How to use

Ø  Squeeze the lemon juice into a clean dish.
Ø  Add a tablespoon of yogurt and mix well to have a paste.
Ø  Apply the paste to your face and leave it for 30 minutes then wash off with clean water.

How often?

                  Twice a  week.


§  Do not apply home remedies containing lemon around your eyes because these areas are highly sensitive.
§  Use only fresh lemons because packaged ones may contain preservatives that may damage your skin.
§  For those with sensitive skin, it is advisable to add honey to the above mixtures before applying to your skin.


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