home products to remove make up?

 Its more than obvious makeup has become a daily routine for most women. Its gives a more classic look and helps cover some facial imperfections. Most a times, the makeup removers available on the market are typically filled with chemicals and can cause skin irritation or acne breakout. Best way is to remove makeup naturally from your face and eyes without using chemical-filled removers. Its easy! Just continue reading below.

  1. Aloe vera and honey make up remover.
     Simply combine equal portions of aloe vera and raw honey in a small container. You can add your favorite oil like avocado oil, almond oil, avocado oil etc ( greatly optional). Use a blender to combine all ingredients. Use a scoop to remove makeup by massaging it into your skin for a minute or two, then rinse with cool water.
  2. Oils: coconut oil, Avocado, Olive, Almond oil etc.
     Using a natural oil like any of  the ones I just listed above is a great way of cleansing the skin and remove makeup without over-drying it. You might even pair two oils for example almond oil and rose water which is ideal for sensitive or dry skin.
  3. Steam;
    Many people don't believe that make steam can actually remove makeup, but truthfully it does! Just fill a basin or a bowl with hot water and lean over it, into the steam. It will open all pores. Yeah! dont underestimate the power of steam. It helps to get the very last traces of makeup off your face. This is a skin care secret of most models.
  4. Avocado;
     If you don't have the avocado oil but have an avocado, then u have no problem. You can apply it directly to remove your makeup. All you need to do is get some paste on your cotton and apply gently on your face for a minute or two and cleanse off with cold water.
  5. Baby wipes; 
    Baby wipes are a good way of removing makeup naturally. They are so soft that u don't have to worry about breaking or irritating your skinCucumbers an easy and less messy way of removing makeup.
  6. Cucumber: 
    You can use either the juice of a cucumber or you can blend the cucumber into a paste to remove your makeup. If you have tough makeup, you can add some coconut or any other natural oil of your choice to the mix. This is particularly good for oily skin and also helps heal acne, scars as well as relieves the pains of sunburns.
  7. Milk; 
    The fat and proteins in milk ( use whole milk only), help to hydrate the skin and improve its ability to retain moisture. Simply dab some whole milk onto a cotton ball and wipe it across your skin. You can use it on your eyes too, just make sure you wipe gently. This will leave your skin makeup free and refreshed.
  8. Yogurt;
     This may sound strange but yes its true. If you wash your face with yogurt, your skin is sure to thank you for it. Lol! Yogurt is rich in lactic acid, fat and proteins to help detoxify and cleanse your skin. Just take a cotton pad and dip it into yogurt, rub it allover your face in a circular motion then rinse well with cold water.
         So with these home products that aren't only safe but cheap, tell me why you would still stand the risk of using the store-bought makeup removers that come with a host of chemicals and toxic ingredients that can actually harm the health of your skin overtime.


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