check what skin bleaching is doing to your skin?

In most African societies, skin bleaching or whitening is considered to having a "beautiful and expensive skin". Skin bleaching is the practice of using chemicals and/or physical treatments to lighten skin colour by reducing the content of melanin.Although natural skin brightening methods and diets exist, many still turn to the use of toxic chemicals to archieve that so desired lighter skin. The following are just 5 out of the numerous side effects of using these heavy chemicals to bleach your skin. Skin cancer : The two main substances found in skin bleaching creams are hydroquinone and mercury. Hydroquinone is actually used in these creams because it slows down the production of the tyrosinase enzyme thereby reducing the content of melanin. Mercury is a chemical that is easily absorbed into the body but not easily removed. The use of these substances can have long term side effects like skin rashes, skin discolouration and scaring and worst of all, skin cancer. Hyp...