check what skin bleaching is doing to your skin?

In most African societies, skin bleaching or whitening is considered to having a "beautiful and expensive skin". Skin bleaching is the practice of using chemicals and/or physical treatments to lighten  skin colour by reducing the content of  melanin.Although natural skin brightening methods and diets exist, many still turn to the use of toxic chemicals to archieve that so desired lighter skin. The following are just 5 out of the numerous side effects of using these heavy chemicals to bleach your skin.

  1. Skin cancer: The two main substances found in skin bleaching creams are hydroquinone and mercury. Hydroquinone is actually used in these creams because it slows down the production of the tyrosinase enzyme thereby reducing the content of melanin. Mercury is a chemical that is easily absorbed into the body but not easily removed. The use of these substances can have long term side effects like skin rashes, skin discolouration and scaring and worst of all, skin cancer.
  2. Hyper pigmentation: This often results from an overdose of hydroquinone (above 2%) for periods more than 2months. Hyper pigmentation is most evident on the fingers, toes, ankles,knees and other extremities. I am sure you must have seen someone with a very fair skin but very dark fingers, ankles and other extremities. Also, the skin around the eyes becomes very thinned, almost giving a resemblance to a panda. Yes, that is hyper pigmentation which can be permanent and very difficult to get rid of. 
  3. Increased skin thinning: One of the chemicals used in skin bleaching products are steroids, which are inappropriate especially around the eyes. Increased skin thinning is actually characterised by exposed veins (veins can easily be seen through the skin), stretch marks, bruising and other serious skin problems. Unfortunately, no cure is guaranteed for this so damage maybe permanent.
  4. Skin irritation: Hydroquinone works by reducing the amount of melanin pigment in the blood. Many scientists hold that it may lead to skin irritations such as peeling of the skin, rashes, dry skin, burning and redness. 
  5. Destruction of skin healing properties: A normal and healthy skin ,when damaged can heal and regenerate through the four processes of haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and maturation. These four processes occur when skin is damaged to produce new skin. But, the skin looses its ability to heal when it is subjected to heavy chemicals present in skin whitening chemicals. Thus, rashes and injuries become very difficult to treat.
With all these adverse effects notwithstanding, it is clear many people especially women feel more comfortable with a fairer and even skin. For this reason, natural skin brightening methods can be used which are non toxic and far from having side effects on your skin.  Check the link of my previous post in the comment section of this post for the methods of brightening your skin using natural methods.


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