Getting a brighter skin without using "bleaching creams" ?

Having a fairer and uniform skin is probably one of the most popular skin desires of most women. Most a times, the whitening creams we find in the market are filled with heavy chemicals which have adverse effects on the skin in the short and long run. The good news is you can have a glowing and brighter skin using just the natural products you find everywhere in your kitchen and local markets.
The most important ingredient used in making skin care products is vitamin C, which is greatly abundant in oranges. The skin has also got natural bleaching properties that can help lighten your skin naturally. For this purpose, you can use oranges in two ways.
  • Combine 2-4 tablespoons of natural orange juice and a pinch of turmeric powder (ginger) and apply the mixture on the body or affected area. Wash it off after 30 -45minutes. Do this daily till you are satisfied with your skin tone.
Grind dried orange peels into powder and mix with plain honey to have a paste. Apply the paste on your skin for 30-35minutes and rinse it off. Please do not repeat this process more than once a week because your skin may get lighter than wished for.

Honey does not only help you lighten your skin, but also acts as a moisturizing agent. This natural product also has properties that can help fade age spots and scars. 
  • Apply pure honey to your face and leave it for like half an hour then wash off with lukewarm water. This will remove dead skin cells making your skin brighter and fresher.
Alternately, you can mix honey with one teaspoon each of lemon juice and powdered milk to have a paste. Mix well then apply gently on your skin. Wash off after 15 to 20minutes.

The lemon fruit has got many more skin care wonders than you could ever think of. The high amount of vitamin C in them encourages new cell growth, while it's acidic properties work as natural bleaching agent and its oxidants that are also very good for your skin tone. 
  • You can rub a cut lemon directly to your face or affected area and allow the juice to stick to your skin for like an hour. Wash off with lukewarm water.
Alternately, mix 4 tablespoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of turmeric powder (ginger) then apply the mixture on the skin for like 30minutes. Wash of the mask with lukewarm water. Please with this method, make sure you do not have any open wounds because the acidic nature of the lemon fruit can cause serious pains on open wounds..

Baking soda: 
Baking soda is not only easy to find but also very cheap. Baking soda doesn't only make large pores look smaller, but is also effective in eliminating skin discolourations.
  • Add a couple of teaspoons of baking soda to one teaspoon of warm water to make a paste which you will apply on your skin for like 30minutes, then wash off. Note that, you shouldn't be agrresive when scrubbing the paste on your face, as baking soda does the exfoliation on its own.

Oatmeal mask (egusi): 
This detox is very affordable and easy to make.
  • Add one-third of a cup of oatmeal to half a cup of lukewarm water. You may add a tablespoon of honey, natural yogurt, and egg to make a thick paste. Then, put on the mask for like 20minutes and rinse with warm water. Try this. It is amazing


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